Business Networking and Webinars are an important avenue for businesses within our community to engage with each other and share contacts, knowledge and information. Through these events, the BIA and our partners have been able to share information that is of interest to our business community such as, ideas and concepts of digital marketing, funding and grant information, labour law, business growth and strategy, and many others.
The BIA will continue to explore new areas of interest, and new partners. Keep an eye on our events calendar to keep up to date with upcoming Business Networking and Webinar events.
DUKE Heights BIA between Dufferin & Keele and Steeles & Sheppard. It’s the northernmost business hub of the city of Toronto powering business growth and opportunities for the city and beyond. We promote the potential of the area, provide support to businesses in the area and inject new resources to tap into the potential of the community.
The DUKE Heights BIA newsletter is published every month to provide useful updates on news within the BIA and beyond, unique offers, and free events.
DUKE Heights BIA between Dufferin & Keele and Steeles & Sheppard. It’s the northernmost business hub of the city of Toronto powering business growth and opportunities for the city and beyond. We promote the potential of the area, provide support to businesses in the area and inject new resources to tap into the potential of the community.