The DUKE Heights boundaries run from Steeles to Sheppard Avenue, and from Keele to Dufferin Street. If you own a business within these boundaries, you are automatically a member of the DUKE Heights BIA.
Living within these boundaries is also the only way to become a member of DUKE Heights.
Would you like to make sure we have your correct information? Search our Explore section to find your business or update your information with us.
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DUKE Heights BIA offers several services to help businesses in our community promote themselves locally to our 2,500 member businesses and their 31,000 employees. Our goal is to encourage people to shop DUKE Heights with businesses like yours!
DUKE Perks: Find local Deals
and Discounts
DUKE Featured: Feature your business online
and in the paper, find out how
We know that owning a business takes a great deal of support in order to be successful. At DUKE Heights BIA we have worked hard to bring together resources, programs and information to help support our members and their businesses. From HR support, training incentives, grant information and networking events. We are here to help your business thrive in DUKE Heights.
From HR support, export information, training and more, let us help direct you to the programs you need to grow your business.
The DUKE Green Initiative is here to help you navigate all the different options for sustainable business improvements.