Invitation to local businesses who depend on commercial shipping and freight delivery
Over the next four years, Metrolinx will be constructing light rail transit (LRT) centre-running along Finch Ave West from Highway 27 to Keele Street. While the LRT will benefit the community in many ways, it will also introduce new operational changes to local roads and freeways. These changes will affect how businesses ship and receive their goods and make freight deliveries.
The City is undertaking this Finch West Goods Movement Transportation Master Plan to identify how these transportation issues can be met effectively. The results of this Transportation Master Plan will include several short, medium and long-term strategies to address future shipping and freight delivery while also considering the safety and efficiency of travel for commuters, transit users, cyclists and pedestrians.
Consultation with stakeholders and the public is a key component of the study. The City and Consultant team (with support from the Duke Heights and Emery Village BIAs) are hosting Public Information Centres (PICs) to engage residents and stakeholders on issues relevant to this study. These PICs are a requirement of the Municipal Class EA (MCEA) process for Master Plans. As part of the MCEA process, we will be presenting the results of our Phase 1 activities which include the Problem and Opportunities Statement as well as the Evaluation Criteria. Members of the public and stakeholders are invited to provide commentary on potential future improvements, as well as sharing their experiences in the area to ensure as many concerns are captured as possible.
Two PIC dates and times were selected to allow the public and stakeholders the opportunity to attend one of these PICs at their convenience and at locations on either side of Highway 400. The material presented will be common for both PICs. The dates, times and locations for the PICs are as follows:
- Emery Village BIA
Date and Time: November 28th, 2019, 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Julius Event Centre
2201 Finch Ave. W., North York M9M 2Y9
- Duke Heights BIA
Date and Time: December 2nd, 2019, 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Downsview Park Hub
70 Canuck Ave., Toronto M3K 2C5
Anyone with an interest in this study is invited to attend and participate at the PICs. The display boards will be available on the project web site at, along with comment sheets prior to the PICs. If you cannot attend but would like to provide comments, please forward all comments to a project team member listed below by December 16, 2019.