Tuesday, June 4, 2019
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
DUKE Heights BIA (southeast entrance hall)
2 Champagne Drive, Unit C9
Toronto, Ontario, M3J 0K2
Duke Heights BIA will be hosting an Open House to introduce the proposed changes to the Zoning By-laws for the area within the BIA including:
- Simplifying the present two zoning by-laws that currently overlap in the BIA
- Amend the parking requirements for new developments by bringing them in line with City of Toronto standards
- Allow for additional uses to be permitted in our BIA which are currently permitted in other employment zoning areas
This is your opportunity to learn about the proposed zoning changes and recommendations.
Come and get involved, we need your input.
NB: This open house and its outcome is being undertaken to provide input to City of Toronto Planning for its consideration and appropriate action.
Visit us online and provide your feedback by June 14, 2019.
Twitter: @DUKEHeights
Email: info@dukeheights.ca
Website: https://dukeheights.ca
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