Free Webinar hosted by TABIA
September 9, 2020
TABIA (Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas) is hosting a webinar “Behaviour that saves: Low and No cost ways to save on your energy bills” from September 9th through September 11th. The webinar will discuss ways that buildings can control their HVAC and lighting systems, improve their shutdown procedures and alternate their operational behaviours with little to no cost and will result in energy cost savings on their electricity and natural gas bills. They will also go through two programs that support low and no-cost energy savings, the Small Business Lighting Program provided by the IESO and Enbridge’s RunItRight program.
Follow the link below to register and select the day and time that works best. A meeting invite will follow registration.
Webinar schedule:
- September 9th – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- September 10th – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- September 11th – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM