October 12, 2021
Dear friends,
This Fall marks the beginning of the City of Toronto’s Year of Public Art 2021-2022 and will be celebrated through a city-wide initiative called ArtworxTO. ArtworxTO will highlight the city’s many talented artists and showcase a variety of art collections that illustrate diversity, inclusivity and creativity. Cities are often defined by their investment in public art and my office is fully supportive of partnering with Duke Heights BIA on a wide range of art installations in York Centre.
The Year of Public Art will excite art enthusiasts and also businesses, as public art plays an important role in engaging customers through a visually welcoming and attractive atmosphere, which is why our office has partnered with Duke Heights BIA this year in the Bell Box Murals Project. There are in total 23 Bell box murals set up alongside street corners, each representing a theme complimenting surrounding businesses, native wildlife and landmarks - 10 of which have been displayed in the Duke Heights area to serve as an ornament that will help attract visitors. This brings to over 50 Bell Box murals my office has funded and supported since the program was brought to Downsview-York Centre.
Recently, our office had the pleasure of officially unveiling the ArtworxTO North HUB at Downsview Park alongside Mayor John Tory and former Toronto Argonaut Michael "Pinball" Clemons. The HUB highlights how the art sector and businesses can play an important cooperative role in the economic recovery of local businesses across this city.
I am eager to continue our partnership with the Duke Heights BIA as we look to make ward 6 a more beautiful space for business and the community.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our office with any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Councillor James Pasternak
Ward 6 –Downsview – York Centre