DUKE Heights Business Improvement Area (BIA)
-Virtual Zoom Meeting-
Thursday, November 26, 2020
6:00 PM
Pre-registration link: https://zoom.us/j/92591590795?pwd=dHFRMHFmRTRTTlA3dW8vL0psVmNuZz09
- Call to Order, Introductions and Land Acknowledgement Statement
- Electronic meeting, recording of the meeting and voting protocols
- Declaration of Conflict of Interest
- Approval of 2019 Annual General Meeting Minutes
- 2019 Report Audited Financial Statements
- Appointment of Auditor for 2020
- Ward Councillors Update
- Councillor James Pasternak, Ward 6
- Councillor Anthony Perruzza, Ward 7 - 2020 Year in Review and Committee Reports
- Approval of Budget for 2021
- New Business
- Adjournment
The purpose of this meeting is to decide on the BIA's program and budget for 2021. This program is paid for by a special levy charged to you as well as other commercial and industrial property owners, and non-residential tenants of such properties. As a member of the BIA, the best way to participate in the decisions your BIA is making on your behalf is to get involved. A copy of the proposed budget and audited financial statement will be available after verified registration.
With the City of Toronto and Toronto Public Health Covid-19 restrictions currently in place, this year, Duke Heights BIA Annual General Meeting will be taking place virtually to ensure the safety of our BIA Members, Board of Directors, City of Toronto Councillors, Representatives and BIA staff.
In accordance with The City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 19, Business Improvement Area, only members of the proposed BIA and their legal representatives (proof required), are eligible to vote at the General Meeting. No person in attendance shall have more than one vote.
All participants must pre-register and BIA member verification is required. Please submit the required information at the pre-registration link https://zoom.us/j/92591590795?pwd=dHFRMHFmRTRTTlA3dW8vL0psVmNuZz09 and click on the AGM link located at the top of the home page of this website. Once registration and BIA membership information is confirmed, BIA members will receive a meeting link to the AGM meeting. Participants are requested to log into the AGM zoom meeting by computer.
The pre-registration deadline is 4:00 pm on Thursday, November 26, 2020.
For more information contact Lia Martelluzzi, Executive Director at lia@dukeheights.ca or visit dukeheights.ca.