Building Back Better with Duke Heights
January 07, 2021
Dear Neighbours,
This past year ranks as one of our most difficult in recent memory. It has been difficult for businesses, for individuals, for families. The Duke Heights BIA continues to provide the vital leadership our local business community need. Government cannot do it alone and we rely on our Business Improvement Areas to increase employment, productivity, and economic prosperity. With that said, I am optimistic 2021 will be a strong year for our economic recovery.

Our office continues to support the local economy and advocate for the BIA. At the last North York Community Council I moved a motion to expedite the report on the Duke Height BIA By-Law Harmonization proposal. Resolving the conflict resulting from two overlapping zoning by-laws will help promote growth for the BIA. In addition, we are excited about the Chesswood Drive rehabilitation project. This capital project will bring a much needed investment to the transit network on Chesswood Drive. Beginning in the summer of 2021, this project will bring widened sidewalks; a safer transit flow and public realm improvements; raised cycle tracks; and truck appropriate traffic lanes.
At our City Council meeting in December, I moved a motion for staff to work on an improved safe trucking strategy for the movement of tanker trucks in and out of the fuel depot just east of Keele and Finch. And we continue to advance public art projects at both the Finch West and Wilson subway, the expanding of the Bell Box Mural Program and art projects in partnership with DUKE Heights.
I also want to thank the front line workers at the North York Harvest Food Bank. Our office was happy to work with Dymon Storage and deliver personal protection equipment to the food bank so North York Harvest staff can safely help those in need.
Moving forward into 2021, we must all work together to support the business community. Our office continues its “buy local” campaign and I will continue to support investments for city infrastructure and support development applications that bring about more affordable housing and preserving employment lands. 2021 will be a great year for our local community.
As always my staff and I are here to help you with whatever you might need. Our community office is located at 2800 Keele Street, Unit 1. Please do not hesitate to call me at 416-392-1371 or send me a message at
Wishing you all a safe, happy and healthy holiday season and New Year.
James Pasternak
Councillor Ward 6
Chair, Infrastructure and Environment Committee
Chair, North York Community Council